Cosby Sentenced To Three To Ten Years

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
His lawyers have already announced their intention to appeal. Seeing the picture of Bill Cosby in handcuffs and knowing all he is accused of...even though I know for sure that rapists and sexual assaulters exist in all walks of life it's just such a strange thing to process. I don't feel sad for him at all, but the whole thing is sad in a way that I really can't put into words.

Some sort of justice for his victims.
Of course, it's sad. Not only was Cosby an entertainment icon, he was also and icon within the African-American community. And the fact that he has gotten away with his crimes for decades is even sadder. Plus, his faithful wife turned a blind eye to it all.
Yes his wife is a whole other story. Denial is extremely powerful.

I loved the Cosby show and never dreamed that all these years later his life would be this. It's not about his life, it's about the lives of his victims. But it really is bizarre, looking back on that show. He used his status as an icon to get away with all of it. Beverly Johnson specifically said that she was so afraid to report him because he was an icon in the African American community. She was afraid of what would happen to her as a result.
So glad to see these women's hard work and bravery finally got them the justice they were looking for. Here's to hoping all the other current sexual assault cases going on out there will have a similar outcome and we can see more of these creeps finally held accountable.

As for Cosby, I remember watching his "Himself" routine constantly when I was a little kid. It was on a VHS tape alongside a movie my mom had recorded off TV, and I remember when my mom would put on that tape, I'd always be impatient for her movie to end so I could watch Cosby. And of course, I'd see old reruns of "The Cosby Show" on TV from time to time as well. It's so bizarre and devastating to see somebody who a lot of kids looked up to and enjoyed turning out to be such a creep. But unfortunately, that's not an uncommon scenario-lord knows we've seen other similar stories play out over the years.
I'm 38, about to turn 39 so I also grew up watching the Cosby Show. Seeing him in handcuffs on TV today was so surreal. And I agree that the whole thing is sad and depressing. I'm glad that these women got some semblance of vindication after all these years - I hesitate to call it justice because I think the concept of "justice" is something we have convinced ourselves exists but doesn't really. It's just a word. Nevertheless, legally it's at least something.
I too grew up watching "Himself" every time it was on HBO. The Cosby Show was funny the first few seasons, but started to get stale as time wore on. Rudy choosing the cymbals over the violin just wasn't going to cut it for me.

I wonder if Oliver Stone would give his biopic a try.
Okay bye, rapist!

Your entire "Himself" album is still (and will forever be) engrained in my brain, but you can go fuck yourself.
Somebody's celebrating with a pudding pop tonight.

At least he spent 2+ years locked up, and certainly he isn't working ever again, let him rot away in Shelburne Falls, with no more news about him till his departure from this mortal coil.
Somebody's celebrating with a pudding pop tonight.

At least he spent 2+ years locked up, and certainly he isn't working ever again, let him rot away in Shelburne Falls, with no more news about him till his departure from this mortal coil.
You have far more faith than me. I absolutely see him still working if his health allows it.
Somebody's celebrating with a pudding pop tonight.

At least he spent 2+ years locked up, and certainly he isn't working ever again, let him rot away in Shelburne Falls, with no more news about him till his departure from this mortal coil.

sure, he'll never work again.




we wouldn't allow that as a society.
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