Dimarzio FS-1 vs Humbuckers

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War Child
Jan 19, 2011
Barcelona, Spain
hi all. i got a question. what's the difference in the output level between a FS-1 and a strat standard pickup? And if we compare the FS-1 with a humbucker there's much difference?
I have a Seymour Duncan SSL-1 installed as the bridge pickup on one of my guitars, which is fairly similar to the FS-1. David Gilmour used the FS-1 first, around the time of The Wall, then switched to Seymour Duncan. I don't think they're sonically that different, but they're both very hot. They drive a dirt pedal or overdriven amp very well. A lot harder then the average Strat pickup, probably a little less bright then usual but still retain enough of that single coil brightness in comparison to a humbucker. You will experience a little less volume when switching from the bridge setting to the other combinations so it probably doesn't hurt to compensate a little by installing middle and neck pickups which are a little hotter as well.
And if we compare the volume output with a humbucker theres much difference between volumes?

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DC resistance-wise, the FS-1 is actually hotter than some of vintage voiced hum buckers in the market. (according to the website, the FS-1 has DC resistance of about 14 kohm, while Dimarzio's own PAF Master pup for bridge has about 8kohm). I never have any hands-on experiences with FS-1 but I assume the volume coming from FS-1 can be as loud as regular hum buckers, if not louder.
I mostly use humbuckers in the bridge position in my guitars. It's what I seem to like for quite some time and have installed them in both my regular guitars and in my own guitar build. As an experiment I installed the Seymour Duncan in one of my builds after the Texas Special which I had intended turned out be broken. I have been pleasantly surprised as the SSL-1 holds up very well to my humbucker equipped guitars and this guitar has become one of my favorites. And since the FS-1 is quite similar I see no reason to think why it wouldn't hold up very well either.
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