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Forum Moderator, The Goal Is Soul
Nov 14, 2000
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin
I've got no home in this world
Just gravity
Luck and time

This song is a perfect representation of the characters and story line in the Million Dollar Hotel. It is a song of heartache, filled with desperate wanting of the very things many of us have, and often take for granted and maybe if we were to be honest, feel the same way , or react, as the character portrayed in MDH. These lines represent someone who feels they have nothing, and our simply taking up space, with the only thing holding them is the very essence to which we have no control over, that being gravity. The writer almost appears to despise this very thing holding him down, holding him down to a life of that which again he has no control of, luck and time. At least with a home, with a place to call his own, he could have something which to manipulate, to have an opinion, a state of mind to give him the feeling of worth, of respect.

I've got no hope in this world
Just you
And you are not mine

Again, the writer has a feeling of despair in having no hope, therefore, no future to see their present state as having a sense of appreciation and anticipation for their lot in life improving. What they would desire to experience in their heart, love, can only be beheld as a word, but never being able to experience all the attributes that make us truly know the overwhelming ability that love engages through a word, a touch, an experience.


The writer speaks of an overwhelming sense of desolation, a desolation that responds from deep inside of a heart that knows nothing to hold unto, that would give their life substance.

There are no colors in your eyes
There's no sunshine in your skies
There's no race, only the prize
There is no tomorrow, only tonight

The writer speaks in the here and now, because there is no ?there? or ?tomorrow? to speak of, which would indicate a sense of optimism and beingness. Instead, we have a person who knows only a world in black and white, despondent from the very essence of what gives us hope and aliveness, color and warmth. The word ?tonight? is also a twisted usage for what most would see as a getting out and sharing in someone?s presence, someone?s love, someone wanting us for a night out on the town; instead, the writer only has the darkest of night to wrap himself and his lonely thoughts of anguish and isolation, no town to call his own, no love to fill up his night and move him into the dawn of a new day, filled with endless possibilities.

It's the difference

A difference that is of the most pathetic of all explanations for his human condition, willing for something to change, but staying the same, because life is filled not with ?ness?, but with ?less?, void of substance that would give reason to believe that something better out there exist.

You can cover the world with your thumb
Still so big, so bright, so beautiful

The writer again mocks their present state by saying that they could take their thumb, and that would cover the essence of who they are and represent. Their world is wrapped in incompleteness, because outside of this solitary life, a world through another?s perspective appears so big, bright, and beautiful, but the eyes of the writer only sees the proportion of his life through the diminutive, darkened, dreary glasses fashioned for him for a stateless world to which he exist.


Push...down on me please
Your weight down
Your weight...down on me
Your weight (down on me)
When your weight falls...down on me
Be the heavy hand
The mortar sand
Be the weight, heart, down on me

These lines are probably the most problematic to listen to, because it appears that he finds someone who can be the gravity of hope, but the line ?down on me? is repeated to the point where it appears that his life is imperceptible by any human emotion, or response that would illuminate his obscurity of life. He knows enough, or senses enough that love is part of the human condition, the essence of this life which gives stability, the mortar mentioned here. You sense no despair in his pleading, because it would appear as if what he observes is not really there, the shell of a person like himself, and he is almost willing it for himself into being, but knows full well that his reality is already set in stone, and nothing within himself can bring about what is rightfully his, what is rightfully ours in this life, and that is the ability to be loved and have a sense of self worth, and to be in a place where you thrive with the essence of life flowing, and ebbing in and out of your life.

Hey bliss

The ending is as perverse as the beginning with the use of the word bliss. It gives the impression that the writer, though stateless and faithless, has found in this state, a condition of ecstasy and extreme happiness that appears to shield him from the pain that is wrought on him by his obvious state in life played out within the context of his haunted, beautiful mind?.?Wow?after I jumped, it occurred to me, life is perfect, life is the best, full of magic, and beauty, opportunity, and television, and surprises, lots of surprises, yeah, and then there is the best of course, better than anything anyone ever made up, because it?s real?? And yet, through all this torment, and the reality of all these discoveries after he jumped, there is something enduring, redeeming about the writer, and a compassion floods the senses of what he endured, and yet also the feeling of helplessness on the part of an outsider looking into the very being of statelessness, faithlessness, oh yeah, blissness.

Chris, I really enjoyed reading this!!!!!! In pax's favorite lyrics thread, I chose lines from "Stateless" is so beautiful. I love your interpretation.
Push...down on me please
Your weight down
Your weight...down on me
Your weight (down on me)
When your weight falls...down on me
Be the heavy hand
The mortar sand
Be the weight, heart, down on me

I love this part of the song.....sometimes the reality of life can be a bitch.
gah i love this forum

spanisheyes said:
You can cover the world with your thumb
Still so big, so bright, so beautiful

Chris...geesh you're smart...

this line exposes the paradox of life. you think you're something bigger than you are, that time that you failed a math test in 10th grade, that that makes any type of difference to anyone ever. and it doesn't. the world is so big, but we cover it up all the time with our own selfishness. but it's still there functioning whether we are in it or not.
Chris, reading your interpretation for Stateless made me think of how much I love what you do...and how much I miss it. You should think serioulsy about getting a site where to collect all your writings about U2 lyrics. It?s always a delightful reading. :up:

follower said:
Chris, reading your interpretation for Stateless made me think of how much I love what you do...and how much I miss it. You should think serioulsy about getting a site where to collect all your writings about U2 lyrics.
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