Help! (American Idol Blues)

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Aug 19, 2004
Folks...I don't want to be stuck watching the American Idol Charity Special (which Bono and lots of others will be one) on April 24....on a computer only. I want to record it off of TV on either videotape or DVD (pref a videotape) but am haivng a hard time finding someonew to tape it for me when it's on.

Will anybody watching it be taping it and can you get me a copy? Mail me at:

I can't stand American Idol. I respect what the special is for but in my opinion... I don't agree with him being on it, which means I won't be watching it. Just my opinion. It's the lamest contestant show ever. Even contestants get grammy's!!!???
Teta040 said:
Folks...I don't want to be stuck watching the American Idol Charity Special (which Bono and lots of others will be one) on April 24....on a computer only. I want to record it off of TV on either videotape or DVD (pref a videotape) but am haivng a hard time finding someonew to tape it for me when it's on.

Will anybody watching it be taping it and can you get me a copy? Mail me at:


I'm not sure either that Bono will be there as the speculation was caused by the way Ryan placed Bono's quote at the end of listing the performers. Bono has never been listed on the web site as being one of the performers and neither AI nor U2 have clarified although I am sure they are aware of the confusion. My take is that by not acknowledging one way or another they stand to significantly increase the potential audience as most of the rabid U2 fans will watch just in case Bono is on. I do usually record it and I just got a DVD recorder that I can offload it to but I have not done this before so I can't guarantee I won't screw it up.

If you want a very low-tech VHS recording, I'll try. Do you want it if Bono isn't on, however? Cause I don't think he will be.
Sorry but this has been confirmed fact for a while, as far as I least a month. Maybe he has pulled out at the last minute but this isn't the regualr show--it's a charity special, with poverty in Africa as the theme. I normally don't watch the show either, but besides Bono, Daniel Radcliffe (Hary Potter himself) is confirmed to show up. I'd want a VHS of that alone!

Silvrlvr, could you record for me? Thanks...mail me and I'll get back to you early in the week.....
Hey, since Silvr hasn't gotten back to me ( I checked my email) I'll take you up on your offer Tanner! Maybe he's just busy at the mo....(Silvr if you're just busy I'm still asking! It would be great to have 2 copies just to have a backup!:).

Tanner I know this sounds corny but I'm still figuring out my new laptop and I don't have any other Net at home. I'm typing this on a "borrowed" PC....I'm afraid you'll have to do the conventional route....mail me at either or

VHS or DVD, either one is fine.....
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Did your DVD ever come through the mail?? You didnt email me..let me know cause I can send it again..
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