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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Aug 3, 2000
moons of Zooropa
Since the thread on the compilation of 2000-2015 U2 was fun, I figured I'd take a crack at combining 2 of my favorite albums, each that only have 2 or 3 songs I don't love.

So here is my tracklisting for ZooPoppa

1. Mofo
2. Numb
3. Last Night On Earth
4. Zooropa
5. Do You Feel Loved
6. Dirty Day
7. Discotheque
8. Lemon
9. Staring at The Sun
10. Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car
11. Gone
12. Stay
13. Please
14. The Wanderer

Interesting... able to come up with the same amount of tracks off of 2 albums that I was for 4 albums of the 2000's stuff...

Anyway, discuss...
Since the thread on the compilation of 2000-2015 U2 was fun, I figured I'd take a crack at combining 2 of my favorite albums, each that only have 2 or 3 songs I don't love.

So here is my tracklisting for ZooPoppa

1. Mofo
2. Numb
3. Last Night On Earth
4. Zooropa
5. Do You Feel Loved
6. Dirty Day
7. Discotheque
8. Lemon
9. Staring at The Sun
10. Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car
11. Gone
12. Stay
13. Please
14. The Wanderer

Interesting... able to come up with the same amount of tracks off of 2 albums that I was for 4 albums of the 2000's stuff...

Anyway, discuss...

Replace #10 (terrible song) with The First Time.

There, that's better.
No offence but this isn't great. :huh: it flows really badly, and a bit of a slog at 74 minutes!

and top it off, reading through the last few songs ("daddy's gone. stay. please...") was bleak!
Great comments all. I actually may agree with Iggy on something and put First Time in over Daddy's gonna pay.
Also, the tracklisting does need work.

And yes, i don't like mucking with the classics, but again, just passing some time while the Edge goes skiiing....
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