EBW: Album or acoustic version?

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War Child
May 14, 2007
AB, Canada
Just wondering what the general preference is for Every Breaking Wave. Album version obviously means the one on SOI, acoustic could be either the Acoustic Sessions studio take or one of the many live versions they've done.

I find the album version WAY overcooked, and in the live versions Bono's vocal was too hysterical. So in the end I prefer the Acoustic Sessions version, with a little more delicacy to the vocal. I actually think U2 missed a good opportunity by not releasing the Acoustic Sessions version as a single. The sound is sort of U2 à la Adele (which is something new for the band), and it really shows off Bono's vocal power.

The studio version, on the other hand, wanted to be WOWY in the verses and BD in the chorus - awkward. I've heard the Radio Mix, too, but even that feels overcooked with too many effects going on.

What say you, Interference? :wave:

(Oh and if a mod or someone can help me add a poll to this thread, I'd appreciate that... Not sure how)
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The acoustic versions are U2 at their most boring.

Album version all the way.
I know many people rate the acoustic version, but for me, album version wins. One of, if not, THE highlight of SOI.
Album version just shits over all the acoustic versions. U2's greatest mistake of all time is not to release the album version as a single or play it live.
Nothing wrong with the album version, wish it'd been played live at some point.
The album version is one of the greatest U2 songs I've ever heard.

The live versions I've heard sound like crap.

So, in conclusion, the album version.
The earlier "demo" studio version (which sounds far more advanced than a demo) is better than everything else, and it's shameful no one has mentioned it yet.

Before it was neutered by Ryan Tedder. Before Edge's searing electric guitar on the chorus was replaced by those embarrassing keyboard parts.

Interesting mix of opinions. I would have guessed the acoustic take was more loved, but turns out I was wrong.

The acoustic versions are U2 at their most boring.

I will admit EBW sounds really simple when played on piano. If I didn't connect so strongly with the lyrics, which are easier to focus on in the acoustic version, I might agree with you.

I dunno, it just sounds like the album version was made in a computer. No subtlety and no passion. And Bono's vocals on the bridge sound weird, like they were artificially sped up. Perhaps I would enjoy the album version if it sounded like it was recorded live? Something like this:

I do like the guitar on the "demo" version posted above.
The earlier "demo" studio version (which sounds far more advanced than a demo) is better than everything else, and it's shameful no one has mentioned it yet.

Before it was neutered by Ryan Tedder. Before Edge's searing electric guitar on the chorus was replaced by those embarrassing keyboard parts.

Yup, this is easily the best version of EBW. Such a shame this wasn't on the album.

The MTV performance was pretty great too.
It's weird how many versions there are of this song. You'd think they would have nailed a definitive version, considering how long they had to work on it.
So, inexplicably, I hadn't seen the MTV version. Faarrrkkk!!!!
And check out the legion of comments on the youtube vid. So much respect, much of it grudging, but deep respect nevertheless.
So yeah. THAT should have been the single.
The earlier "demo" studio version (which sounds far more advanced than a demo) is better than everything else, and it's shameful no one has mentioned it yet.

Before it was neutered by Ryan Tedder. Before Edge's searing electric guitar on the chorus was replaced by those embarrassing keyboard parts.

The thread is titled EBW : album or acoustic version........... So I didn't mention this demo. Otherwise, this demo version is miles ahead than the album version.
Album version is a lot better. It's graceful and the chorus guitar riff is excellent. The live piano version is bombastic and incredibly boring.
The only acoustic version that worked was the one at the MTV Euros... that was gorgeous. As far as the recorded version go, yea... album.

That version there is among the band'd finest moments, performance-wise... IMLTHO.

The Radio Mix (which is VERY close to the MTV Euros performance) that was released to radio in some markets, is my favorite recorded version.
The acoustic versions are U2 at their most boring.

Album version all the way.

Totally agree, I think Party Girl is the only time I've ever preferred a U2 acoustic over an album original.

Acoustic is U2 at their most boring, I agree, and the SOI acoustic session is the worst culprit.
The album version by far. It really should have been the lead single off that album. The acoustic version is nice for one off special performances but it gets stale incredibly fast. The album version is way better
I listened to the radio version with headphones for the first time today, and wow, that was nice! :ohmy: I didn't pick up on the atmospheric stuff going on before now. It's like finding a new song three years late!
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