Bono in Health Scare - thankfully OK

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Extremely glad to hear that he's alright.

Heart palpitations are no joke.

This is a man who, for at least three decades, has smoked tobacco and drank alcohol at at least a semi-regular pace (at worst he's been binging on them). On top of that you add all the theatrics, acrobatics, and dramatics that he's done on stage with fierce abandon...

No doubt he should be keeping an eye on his heart. Every 50 year old man should. Even those that haven't been a people pleasing, social butterfly, uber-intense rock star for three decades. But, it's all good. He's a strong dude. And of course he's got innumerable people around him who care about him and are looking after him.
Scary stuff. Glad he's OK. I think Bono needs to accept he's 51, not 31 anymore, and take things at an easier pace. He just doesn't have the genetic constitution of Mick Jagger or Steve Tyler to carry on doing these uber long tours and the million and one other things that he's involved with. Add to that a lifetime of heavy smoking, drinking and dining on high cholesterol food in fancy restaurants, and it's no big surprise he's had palpatations.

......... speechless...................


he would really be fine IF
he cuts back on the drinking, and smoking........

51 these days for fecking sakes is NOT old! :angry:
yeah, i know men have to be careful of heart issues usually earlier than us women do.....

b/c he's got beautiful places to live AND RELAX in, a beautiful family, great bandmates and other friends...
he can get a lot of rebalancing

and mayyyyybe he has to de-stress him self more from all the world-saving he does.........

as a 58 yrs on semi-activist since i was ? 14 yrs>

i know i have to take serious vacations of days, weeks even more than a month at a time on certain issues

btw heart palpitations can ALSO be caused by serious anxiety
so who knows
Oh,god!I hope he'll learn of it and cut back the partying and take some time off as really resting.:hug:
Scary, scary stuff. Glad he's ok, though - hope he continues enjoying his holidays. Agreeing with everyone else, he needs to slow down now that U2360 is over.
Smaller tours Bono :madwife:......I really don't care if the new album comes quickly anymore. I was worried that after he had some downtime from a big tour he would get health problems. I remember when Stanely Kubrick dropped dead after finishing a stressful long shoot of Eyes wide shut.
Although I selfishly first thought about how this news could have affected me, it didn't take long to reconsider that he has a wife & four children along with three adopted brothers & all their family who would be decimated to lose him now. I am grateful that this seems to have been just a scare and prayerful that it isn't a harbinger of the near future. :pray:
It's really worrying, let's hope he takes this time to slow down and to look after him self
I'm worried about Bono as much as anyone else here, but I still think some of you are exaggerating a bit with the "heavy smoking, drinking and partying" stuff, because he has said himself that he has tuned that lifestyle down in recent years and it's logical that he's had to because he's taking his family life, his musical carreer and his political commitments very seriously. I also think he's trying not to eat too much unhealthy food. He might be a rockstar, but I think he isn't by far as rock-starish as any of his collegues. The only real health problem he's had in recent years was his back injury and he was able to bounce back amazingly from that - not something many people his age can do in such a short time. That shows he's in very good mental and physical condition.

So as serious as a thing like "chest pain" might sound, I don't think it's something to worry about. He's in good hands and has been checked by medics. Could be everything, could be a bronchitis or a stress reaction. I suffer from chest pain from time to time when I'm under stress and I have a healthy heart. Bono said in the past that he has an "eccentric heartbeat" and that doctors wonder about that, but he has a stong heart, I'm sure he's fine.

Rest, however, is surely what he needs right now.
Via Julian Lennon's FB and Twitter. "For those whom are fans of Bono, the recent reports about him going to hospital with chest pains this weekend, were completely false & just the media trying to stir things up, as usual... He did, however, go for a regular check up last week, but was given the all clear! He's in fine form! ;)"
Galeongirl said:
Via Julian Lennon's FB and Twitter. "For those whom are fans of Bono, the recent reports about him going to hospital with chest pains this weekend, were completely false & just the media trying to stir things up, as usual... He did, however, go for a regular check up last week, but was given the all clear! He's in fine form! ;)"

So ... someone maybe saw Ali driving him to the hospital for this "regular check up" and escalated it to "zomg emergency."
Via Julian Lennon's FB and Twitter. "For those whom are fans of Bono, the recent reports about him going to hospital with chest pains this weekend, were completely false & just the media trying to stir things up, as usual... He did, however, go for a regular check up last week, but was given the all clear! He's in fine form! ;)"

Thanks for that.

Since this story is not true, I am closing the thread to avoid any unnecessary :panic:
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