Best idea I've ever had... Minecraft.. please click this link!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 26, 2010
Not sure if this is the right place.
But I'll put this here anyways.

So excited.

I was having a look at these videos, and a thought occured to me.
Top 5 Minecraft Creations - Stadiums - YouTube
Top 5 Minecraft Creations - Stadiums #2 - YouTube

We should totally get these guys to build U2 tours.
How epic would that be?

Imagine seeing every night of ZooTV from within genius Minecraft stadiums such as these!

I am so proud of this idea.

In order to make this work, people would need to continuously contact these guys to get this idea rolling.

This can be done through the official website Home - Machinima by Youtube or messaging the director on Facebook

Just imagine what we could create.

Go head!
Its just a bit of fun, if your up for it.
give it a chance!
some of the creations are masterpieces.
Its a program that works over the internet. Allowing for multi player and many different gaming styles or creative license.
Mine craft is quite a powerful game for This reason, I think that it would be a great idea to do this!
However this guy is the wrong guy to contact, being a gamer myself and subscribed to Machinima, these are just submissions that other people built. It's like a contest. You would have to find one of the builders and ask :)
yeah umm we're not affiliated with u2 nor are we going to have a thread telling members they should "continuously contact" people with the band. that's spam and this thread is borderline spam.
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